Thursday, January 6, 2011

American Girl Books, and a new series idea

So, as a historical fiction lover, i loved American girl books growing up! however i have heard they have retired the Samantha and Nellie collection, and the Kirsten doll. and are going to retire felicity and Elizabeth collection. =( I'm not sure which is going to be next, or if their will be a next. I loved the historical fiction dolls the most. My favorite doll was always Felicity and Kirsten.
     Also! i think it would be really cool if an author wrote a series about one family starting in the beginning of American history, and the different generations go through different stages as history such as women's rights, the depression, world war 1, world war 2, and other major events up until modern day. personally i would love a series like that. I would love to hear from you! tell me if you like the idea or if you have always wanted a series to come out that you think would be an interesting read!


  1. It's funny I was just talking about some of these books with somebody a few days ago. I loved them. I think my favorite was Samantha I had all her books. I also had a few of the others Felicity, and I can't remember the others. Anyways, too cool.

  2. Samantha was my favorite movie! haha =)

  3. I don't think I ever watched the movie (I'm gonna have to look it up on youtube) I did go to amazon today, and added the box selection to my list. These definitely bring back memories from Elementary school I think.

  4. their are movies for felicity kit samantha molly. and yes they definitly bring back memories!

  5. I watched the samantha one last night. It was cute. Now I have to watch the others. I noticed on you tube they had another girl named Chrissa. Rainy day here so I might have to sit and watch those.

  6. chrissa might be a girl of the year or something like that. but yeah the movies are really cute


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